Hall Upgrade – Nov 2014
The Bundy Hall has received funding to upgrade the hall from Regional Development Victoria, and the restumping has been completed.
The roof has been replaced with a smart galvanized iron roof, with black gutters and trim, and a new water tank was installed.
The kitchen has been renovated, with work mostly done by committee members, in particular Peter Gotts, who is a skilled carpenter. we have a brand new fridge and wonderful cupboards and benches, as well as a new floor.
The hall has new curtains and sound baffles to improve the sound coming forth from the brilliant speaker system installed by Paul Versteden and John Burnett.
Thanks to Regional Development Victoria and the fundraising by the community, we will have a great facility that is constantly being improved!
Fencing, landscaping and painting will continue as well, and new curtains and facelift for the inside of the hall. The acoustics of the Hall have also been improved and lighting installed to accommodate the wonderful live music that Live at the Bundy has facilitated.
Support your Community Hall by attending the fundraising functions like the Bundy Hall 60th Anniversary Ball on 22nd November, and have fun with your friends and community!